यूथ यूनाइटेड फॉर विजन एंड एक्शन

Youth United for Vision & Action


YUVA society of Deshbandhu College, on 21st June on the occasion of “International Yoga

day” with the collaboration of the Physical education department of the college successfully managed to organise Yoga for all sports members, Yuva society members, Staff members and others in

the pit area of college premises. Principal Dr. Rajiv Aggarwal, Yoga practitioner Dr. Anita mam from the department of Philosophy, Rajendra sir from Physical education department, Alok sir, Jag Pal sir were present and participated in the Yoga session.

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Vimarsh is the annual flagship conclave of Youth United for Vision and Action (YUVA) and draws hundreds of students and intellectuals from over the country. Each year, students are introduced to eminent scholars, laureates, policy makers, writers, journalists from almost every discipline and profession. Popularly referred as a catalyst in bringing the much-sought modifications in our socio-academic environment.

YUVA is a unique, diverse and pragmatic platform that endeavors to impart a holistic and inclusive idea of development for youth of our nation. YUVA has been previously associated with various academic, cultural, social and informational events organized in colleges and universities such as University of Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, GGS Indraprastha University, Jamia Millia Islamia, IIT Delhi, National Law University – Delhi, Bhagwan Vardhaman Mahaveer Medical College, and various other universities and institutes of national importance.

This year, Vimarsh-2022 will be organised from 11th November to 13th November at North Campus, University of Delhi.

Get More Details about YUVA VIMARSH 2022 and the Registration Process by clicking this link YUVA VIMARSH 2022

Swami Vivekananda was the driving force behind the Indian Independence movement – Nikhil Yadav

On Thursday, February 16, 2023, Hansraj College of Delhi University organized a distinguished lecture titled ” Influence of Swami Vivekananda on Indian Freedom Movement.” The speaker for the program was Nikhil Yadav, Prant Yuva Pramukh, Vivekananda Kendra, Uttar Prant. Vrinda Khanna, secretary of the Sant Eshwer Foundation, was the guest of honor of the program presided by Prof. Rama, respected principal of Hansraj College.   Read More…

शहीद दिवस विशेष – ‘युवक!’

[‘युवक!’ शीर्षक से नीचे दिया गया भगतसिंह का यह लेख ‘साप्ताहिक मतवाला’ (वर्ष : 2, अंक सं. 36, 16 मई, 1925) में बलवन्तसिंह के नाम से छपा था। इस लेख की चर्चा ‘मतवाला’ के सम्पादकीय कर्म से जुड़े आचार्य शिवपूजन सहाय की डायरी में भी मिलती है। लेख से पूर्व यहाँ’आलोचना’ में प्रकाशित डायरी के उस अंश को भी उद्धृत किया जा रहा है।- स.]

“सन्ध्या समय सम्मेलन भवन के रंगमंच पर देशभक्त की स्मृति में सभा हुई। भगतसिंह ने ‘मतवाला’ (कलकत्ता) में एक लेख लिखा था : जिसको सँवार-सुधार कर मैंने छापा था और उसे पुस्तक भण्डार द्वारा प्रकाशित ‘युवक साहित्य’ में संगृहीत भी मैंने ही किया था। वह लेख बलवन्तसिंह के नाम से लिखा था। क्रांतिकारी लेख प्राय: गुमनाम लिखते थे। यह रहस्य किसी को ज्ञात नहीं। वह लेख युवक-विषयक था। वह लाहौर से उन्होंने भेजा था। असली नाम की जगह ‘बलवंत सिंह’ ही छापने को लिखा था।”

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